Weekly Kids Announcements

Sojourn Kids on July 21, 2024 


  • We're back to our regular service times this week at 9 AM and 11 AM. We'll be teaching about when Paul wrote a letter to Philemon.
  • This week is our third week of encouraging our 2nd through 5th graders to attend the main service and Sunday School with their parents. This will last for the month of the July. Also, this Sunday is VBS Sunday! Read on below to find out more.
  • As a church family, we have committed to sing, serve, and study together. Throughout the year, we create opportunities to do so with our whole family, including our little ones. Children are built up in the faith both when they sing, serve, and study themselves (like they do every Sunday in SojournKids) and also as they watch the adults in their lives sing, serve, and study, too. In July, we're inviting our 2nd through 5th graders to join the rest of the church in our main worship gathering for one service and to then study in Sunday Bible Fellowship, serve on Connect, or serve the younger ones in SojournKids in the other. We want our whole family to experience the goodness of singing, serving, and studying together. We know this may be a challenge for some families, so classes for all grades will still be available. If you feel like your family may need extra help participating, please let Pastor Stephen know (spierce@sojournnewalbany.com). We are eager to join together in July and hope your family can make these special Sundays a priority.
  • We have a new Bible memory verse for this trimester! "For our sake he made him who knew no sin to be sin that we might become the righteousness of God. " 2 Corinthians 5:21.
  • We have several openings for teachers, assistants, and coordinators. If you would like to serve, you can sign up here.
  • Check out our Facebook page for more Kids specific info about our ministry.
  • To keep all of our kids healthy, here are the conditions where we would ask parents to keep their children at home: Temperature of 100 degrees or higher (in last 24 hours), vomiting (in last 24 hours), diarrhea (in last 24 hours), severe coughing (in last 24 hours), colored nasal drainage, pink eye, head lice, undiagnosed rash, open skin lesions, Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (in last 14 days), and/or any infectious disease.
  • Want the Sojourn Church app for easy access to our church calendar, sermons, and other resources? Click here!

About Us

Sojourn Church New Albany is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

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Sojourn Church New Albany  2023 Ekin Ave New Albany, IN 47150-1714 · info@sojournnewalbany.com · (812) 665-4626